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Watch Out, World! Youngest National Karate Champion Ever Just Turned 4!

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Karate Champion Apolo w/Mom-Coach Brittany Mosier
4th Degree Black Belt Mom Teaches 'Karate for Babies' and Much More!

ASHEVILLE, N.C. - eTradeWire -- We flew to Asheville, North Carolina to meet with Apolo, the youngest national karate champion ever, and his remarkable 4th degree black belt mother and coach Brittany Mosier.

An amazingly talented and beautiful young woman, Brittany has accomplished what most consider 'impossible' – and her famous son Apolo became the youngest national karate champion ever – at age 3!

Many of the notables who witnessed Apolo's nunchucks demonstration at the national championships asked the same question: "Are we witnessing the emergence of the next Bruce Lee?"

"You have triumphed over obstacles that would have stopped even the strongest of people!"
I said to Apolo's mom. "You are an amazing role model and an inspiration to thousands – soon millions!" I directed my attention to include her son. "We need to make your life story into a movie!"

Apolo smiled. Brittany raised an eyebrow. I knew that Brittany was an accomplished actress and I waited for any sign of interest.

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"You're both so young; you could play yourselves!" I suggested. I waited for a moment, then added "I'm not the first person who has suggested a movie, am I?"

Brittany smiled. "Yes, we've lived an interesting life, but a movie now may be premature." Her smile broadened. "Actually, you see, we're just getting started and -" She paused momentarily allowing us to see the twinkle in her eye and added "the best is yet to come!"

Brittany Mosier is an incredibly gifted martial artist and an extraordinary teacher. Her "Karate Baby Academy" – including the online version – is generating glowing testimonials and changing lives worldwide.

Brittany also teaches accelerated self-defense for women. Her philosophy is "Never be a victim!" or "Never be a victim again!"

"To be able to transform a so-called 'powerless victim' to a fully confident, capable,  powerful, in-control person is the greatest gift I can give,"
Ms. Mosier told us, "And it's the greatest reward I could ever receive."

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Brittany takes great pleasure in teaching Karate For Babies! "It's never too soon to instill respect, confidence, and discipline in a child. The difference my coaching makes is lifelong. Parents often tell me what I do is magic – or a miracle."

"So, in short,"
I said, "It's safe to say that your karate baby students won't grow up and rob gas stations – and the women you teach will never be held up at ATM's."  She gave me a look that conveyed "You do know that I can break every bone in your body."

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Hollywood Success Marketing & Public Relations

Source: Hollywood Success Marketing & Public Relations
Filed Under: Sports, Fitness, Celebrities

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