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Veteran Western River Expeditions Guide Tells What She Wished She Knew Before Her First Raft Trip

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SALT LAKE CITY - eTradeWire -- With experience and history under her belt, Hailee Houston is wise beyond her 20-something years when it comes to ways of rivers and how best to enjoy being on the water. In her recent blog on the Western River Expeditions website (https://www.westernriver.com/), she details what she wished she knew the first time rafting. She shares overlooked strategies that can yield huge benefits when it comes to comfort and safety on a river adventure.

Packing essentials

●      Bring disposable wet wipes so you don't have to carry around a damp washcloth. You'll feel refreshed if you feel clean and sand-free when crawling into your sleeping bag.

●      Pack sufficient sun protection in the form of sunscreen, a hat, a quick-dry sun hoodie, and loose clothing that covers your upper and lower body. For her, a sarong comes in handy.

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●      Be sure to bring a lightweight rain jacket to don before entering the fun of splash-filled rapids or braving a late-day thunderstorm.

Staying healthy

●      Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, whether the sun is shining or not, whether you're on the water or on dry land. Monitor your body and moods. Grumpy and down can signal hydration issues. In dry climates, you may perspire without even noticing it.

Going with the Flow

●      You're on vacation, and your inclination may be to sleep in. Forget it. Wake-up time on the river can be as early as 6 a.m. Your guides are already up, making breakfast and planning the day for your enjoyment. They want to get on the river before other groups of rafters; they want to get to the next riverside camping site before it is occupied so you will have more leisure time to swim and hike.

Bring an Open Mind

●      Weather, river conditions, and unexpected issues revealed by other participants on your trip all have the potential to harbor stress. But this is your vacation but also the vacation of everyone around you. Rise above; accept challenges; be a team player, empathize with others, and meet each current with an open mind.

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For more of Hailee's blog please see


With over 60 years of experience orchestrating rafting trips for novices up to experts, Western River Expeditions is the "go to" rafting company.

For a copy of Western River Expeditions' 2024-25 catalog, questions, availability and reservations call toll-free: 866.904.1160 or visit the website at: http://www.westernriver.com/

Media Contact:

Dave Wiggins: 720.301.3822 / dave@travelnewssource.com

Widness & Wiggins PR

Source: Western River Expeditions
Filed Under: Travel

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