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Transgender Sports Ban Upheld; Not Discriminatory

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Bans Even More Compelling in Other Sports Because of Serious Injuries

WASHINGTON - eTradeWire -- The Court for Arbitration in Switzerland rejected a complaint by M2F transgender swimmer Lia Thomas that rules that stop her from competing in elite women's races are invalid, unlawful and discriminatory.

In this non-contact sport, its decision was based on the major athletic advantages being born a male provide over athletes who were born and compete as females, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, who has documented the many ways in many sports males have a huge and unavoidable advantage over females. See, e.g.
SPORTS LAW EXPERT - Professor Explains Why Most M2F Transgender Athletes Are Being Banned From Female Events (https://sportslawexpert.com/2023/03/27/professo...)
A Major New THIRD Argument Against "Female" Transgender Athletes (https://www.valuewalk.com/a-major-new-third-arg...)

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But in addition to the arguments of unfairness, and also invasion of privacy, Banzhaf has documented an ever-growing number of sports in which permitting M2F athletes to compete against girls and women has caused serious physical injuries; another very compelling reason not to permit transgender athletes to compete against females.

Prof Banzhaf, who has studied and written extensively on problems created when M2F athletes are permitted to compete against girls and women, says there are at least four reasons why such contests should not be permitted:

■ In most sports and situations, M2F transgender athletes have a very significant size and strength advantage over their female competitors which can rob girls and women of opportunities to compete fairly and win to obtain scholarships and other advantages, as well as seriously damaging their morale and discouraging their very participation in sports

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■ In many sports - even non-contact sports such as volleyball - there is a very real and clearly established danger of serious and possibly permanent physical injuries to girls and women from M2F opponents

■ Forcing girls and women to shower and change clothing with a M2F biological man with male genitalia on their team violates their right to sexual and bodily privacy

■ Girls are actually being punished for refusing to play against M2F opponents, and even for simply speaking out against males on female teams.

Banzhaf notes that in other sports where biological considerations require separate competitions, those in the protected category are not required to run the risk and unfairness of having to compete against someone with a clear biological advantage.

Professor, George Washington University
"The Man Behind the Ban on Cigarette Commercials"
FAMRI Dr. William Cahan Distinguished Professor
Fellow, World Technology Network
Founder, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH)
Inventor of the "Banzhaf Index"
(202) 994-7229 // (703) 527-8418
http://banzhaf.net/   jbanzhaf3ATgmail.com   @profbanzhaf

GW Law

Source: Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf
Filed Under: Sports

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