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Tradition of Excellence Continues: Patent Attorney William Hulsey Named "Texas Top Lawyer"

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AUSTIN, Texas - Feb. 22, 2018 - eTradeWire -- Intellectual Property Attorney William (Bill) Hulsey has been named a 2017 Top Texas Lawyer by Texas Lawyer magazine and Texas.com.  This peer-based honor recognizes excellence and achievements by the legal community.

Mr. Hulsey is the founder of HULSEY PC and practices Intellectual Property law in Austin, Texas; Silicon Valley, California; Rochester, New York; and Memphis, Tennessee. A native of Memphis, Mr. Hulsey earned a J.D. from the Vanderbilt School of Law where he was Senior Managing Editor of the Vanderbilt Law Review and graduated Order of the Coif; a Masters in Economics from the University of Virginia focusing on technology industry economic development; and served as an Officer on nuclear submarines in the U.S. Navy.

Early in his career, Hulsey says, he was drawn to work with "creative, inventive types," especially engineers. "I continue to be amazed at the detailed and innovative ideas that clients bring to me. My goal is to help them protect and develop those ideas for the good of society and the benefit of the inventor."

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Mr. Hulsey has twice been formally recognized by the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Commission's Export Services Award for providing excellent patent, trademark, and copyright services to foreign companies seeking intellectual property assistance in the U.S.

About Texas Lawyer and Law.com: The magazine and website are part of American Lawyer Media (ALM), an international multi-media network serving professionals in many areas, including law. ALM publications offer in-depth analysis of legal issues, breaking news, and professional insights into the industry's top firms, legal departments, and key influencers. Texas Lawyer annually recognizes outstanding professionals with Texas Lawyer Professional Excellence awards. More information is available at https//www.law.com/texaslawyer.

About HULSEY PC: In 2003, William (Bill) Hulsey started HULSEY PC committed to promote entrepreneurship and the protection and commercialization of his clients' intellectual property rights. HULSEY PC takes pride in obtaining for its clients expertly drafted and strategically considered patents, trademarks, copyrights, and related agreements and official filings. Mr. Hulsey has been involved as IP counsel for the intensive due diligence phases of a number of multi-million dollar corporate transactions involving clients in the telecommunications, photovoltaic solar cell, and electronic medical sensor technology fields. As a result of the IP protection and commercialization efforts of his firm, clients have received multiples of their initial valuations in these transactions. For more information, visit http://HulseyIPlaw.com.

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Donna B. Hulsey

Source: Hulsey PC
Filed Under: Legal

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