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The World Embarks Upon The Artificial Intelligence Bot Paradigm Shift

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Legalhotwater has, now, released several batches of FBI FOIA files and in the process has directly experienced humanity concerns of The Bad Bot Paradigm Shift.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - eTradeWire -- Legalhotwater has, now, released a series of data dumps of the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") files per Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA") litigation involving three and a half (3.5) years of frivolous litigation delays and stonewalling giving rise to several subsequent appeals.

The Shroud of Secrecy

There is no greater threat to a democracy than the shroud of secrecy or better stated the status quo of secrecy that is permitted to go unchallenged. Granted the United Stated is a Republic. At the same time, the United States has held itself out as the world's democratic leader. Stonewalling and frivolous delays spanning years are inconsistent with what the public has come to expect from the world's democratic leader. A simple categorization of functions in the law enforcement space do not insulate the FBI nor its parent, the United States Department of Justice, from compliance with the law nor the consequences for its failure to do so, especially when, as here, bad faith can be attributed. As the first batches of The FBI FOIA Files (https://legalhotwater.com/the-corruption-dungeon) illustrate, bad faith is reasonably attributed as the releases echo issues with which the public desires to know of its government.
  • Foreign and Domestic Espionage
  • NSA Censorship
  • Public Corruption
  • Police Abuse of Power
  • Organized Crime
  • The Shroud of Secrecy to Shield Wrongdoings
The Bad Bot Paradigm Shift

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AI bot use in government raises questions with respect to goodwill and morality. Ground Zero for bad bot behavior is the deploying of AI bots on the WAN side of the internet and pointing AI bots at a target. It is unlikely that the public masses truly comprehend the speed at which government AI bots can process data and render responses. Literally millions of lines of instructions can be processed by government computers in less than a few seconds.This Bad Bot Paradigm shift presents a pivotal moment for the United States, and the rest of the globe, to reflect on the direction of humanity given the broad spectrum of unregulated AI deployments whereas a single supercomputer has the computation ability of a dozen human beings, if not more, and no moral compass to regulate the AI bot's behavior.

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Darryl C. Carter

Source: Legalhotwater

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