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The Hutchinson Fund Announces Father's Day Launch of Students of Color Financial Support Award

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LOS ANGELES - eTradeWire -- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559950476406

The Hutchinson Fund is proud to announce the Father's Day week launch of the Earl Sr. and Nina Hutchinson Students of Color Financial Support Award. The Award will be presented monthly to minority students both at the High School and College level to aid them in our modest way in purchasing needed materials, transportation, and food expenses. We recognize that often a few extra dollars in students' hands on a timely basis can make a major difference in their pursuit of academic achievement. The need is especially great for minority students at schools in underserved urban school districts. Many of the aid programs at these schools have been downsized or eliminated. This makes it even more imperative for private donor groups to step into the funding void.

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Student funding was an easy choice for the establishment of the Earl Sr and Nina Hutchinson Students of Color Financial Support Award for two reasons. The first is Earl Hutchinson Sr. and Nina Hutchinson believed deeply in the absolute need and value of a slid education for inner city students. They understood that education was the solid foundation for professional career enhancement and success. The second reason was that both scrimped, saved, and devoted every resource they could garner for their own children's education. They believed in the best and were determined to provide the best in education for them.

The Earl Sr. and Nina Hutchinson Students of Color Financial Support Award will be presented monthly throughout the year to students at various schools both in Southern California and nationally "This is our means to fill a donor support niche for the neediest of the needy in urban communities," notes Hutchinson Fund Founder Earl Ofari Hutchinson.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson

Source: The Hutchinson Fund
Filed Under: Financial

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