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The Community Song Animate Release Video

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The Community Song teaches kids how to be good citizens in the community. This is a fun citizenship song and community song.

ELLIJAY, Ga. - eTradeWire -- The Community Song teaches kids how to be good citizens in the community.  This is a fun citizenship song and community song that teaches kids about being a citizen and being part of their community. The link is located below the lyrics.

Community Song Lyrics:
There's so much goin' on around me
Sometimes I think that it is all about me
Then I look around and see what's in front of me
It's you, and me, we help others in need

I am a citizen of my society
And I participate in my community I do my part,
I keep it clean I make this world a better place for you and me
I love my neighbor, I treat 'em good
I show respect and dignity like I should
I love my family, I follow all the rules
I take responsibility for what I need to do

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There's so much goin' on around me
Sometimes I think that it is all about me
Then I look around and see what's in front of me
It's you, and me, we help others in need

I do all I can to make this world a better place
Show respect to my neighbor and to the whole human race
Citizenship is who I am, everything that I do
I take care of the environment, how about you?

Our kids need a lot of practice and examples of how to treat each other kindly. The Community Song (Citizenship Song) is a character song that teaches citizenship and community. This song will teach students how to be good citizens in the community. This is a song for learning how to be citizens of the community. Your kids will absolutely love this community song.


Media Contact
Joshua Quigley | Co-Owner of Have Fun Teaching

Source: HAve Fun Teaching, LLC
Filed Under: Education

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