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Texting While Driving in Las Vegas

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Nevada Insurance Enrollment Explains How Distracted Driving Affects Your Auto Insurance

LAS VEGAS - eTradeWire -- Over 25% of all auto accidents are caused by distracted drivers that involve cell phones. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road and your hands off the steering wheel and is a distraction from thinking about driving.

In America, over 1,000 people are hurt due to drivers that are distracted when driving, and 9 people every single day are killed from cell phone users while driving.

In Nevada, it is illegal to use a hand-held phone for calling or texting while driving, and if you are caught texting and driving, you could pay a very steep fine. You could have your license suspended, your auto insurance rates could go up, and you could even spend time in prison.

If you put yourself in the shoes of the people at-fault for these tragedies and imagine being that person in the news for causing harm or even death to someone else, hopefully it makes you think twice about looking at your cell phone while you drive. The feelings you'd have, forever knowing the distraction it caused and the destruction in your life and others' lives, is just not worth it.

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There are apps you can download onto your teen's cell phone that assist parents in helping keep their teens safe. But in reality, it's not just for teens, it can be useful for all drivers. If you are tempted to look at your phone while you drive, just download an app like "LifeSaver". Lifesaver is an app designed to help you and your teens, and if you own a company, for your employed drivers, to stay safe while driving.

Read the full article: https://www.nevadainsuranceenrollment.com/texting-while-driving-las-vegas-nevada/

Learn more: https://www.nevadainsuranceenrollment.com/auto-insurance-las-vegas-nevada/

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
4260 W. Craig Road suite #150-A
North Las Vegas, NV 89032
(702) 898-0554
Website: NevadaInsuranceEnrollment.com

Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Shelly Rogers

Source: Nevada Insurance Enrollment
Filed Under: Insurance

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