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Sustainability Award Launches to Boost Eco-Focused Businesses Globally

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Celebrating environmental progress, the Sustainability Award launches on World Environment Day (June 5 2024) to award the most impactful eco-businesses globally.

SYDNEY - eTradeWire -- Sydney, 20 May 2024

Celebrating environmental progress, the Sustainability Award launches on World Environment Day (June 5) to award the most impactful eco-businesses globally.

This prestigious program highlights industry leaders of all sizes including Lush and UpCircle, fostering trust and awareness for environmentally-conscious consumers.

Small Sustainable Businesses Face Challenges:

Rising costs and fierce competition threaten many small eco-conscious businesses. The Sustainability Award team discovered numerous closures during their pre-launch phase, with popular green brands like Sol Cups and Arnsdorf shutting down in the last 12 months.

Recognising the economic struggles hindering many small sustainable brands, the Australian-based SustainabilityAward.Org has special rates for small businesses.

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Why Environmental Awards Matter:
  • Trusted Accolades Drive Sales: 80% of customers are influenced by awards when making purchases. Award winners experience a 37% sales increase, on average.
  • Environmental factors influence customer choice: 80% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, and are five times more likely to support purpose-driven companies.

An Award For The Digital Age

The virtual award was developed in consultation with leading sustainable businesses large and small from different countries and industries to be comprehensive yet user friendly. The first 12 winners participated in a pre-launch test group to help shape the process.

Thriving Through Smart Marketing:

Sustainable businesses require robust branding, awards, reviews, and customer-centric strategies to navigate the current economic landscape. The Sustainability Award empowers brands through its:
  • Digital Seal of Approval: adding credibility, guiding consumers towards the best sustainable choices.
  • Amplified Brand Storytelling: Social media and articles about winners showcase unique selling points.
  • Increased Awareness: Cross-promotion and marketing support boost brand recognition and sales.

The Sustainability Award makes it easy for customers to choose eco-consciously. By empowering sustainable businesses, we pave the way for a better future. Find out more at sustainabilityaward.org

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Further information, photos and quotes

See the Sustainability Award Media Kit (https://sustainabilityaward.org/media-kit/) page for more information.

*Statistics Sources: Journal of Business & Economic Policy Vol. 3, No. 1, Hendricks & Singhal of the University of Western Ontario and Georgia Institute of Technology, Zeno, PwC 2024 Voice of the Consumer Survey.

Anna Chatburn

Source: Sustainability Award
Filed Under: Environment

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