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Spring is in Full Bloom with Our May Partners

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HINGHAM, Mass. - eTradeWire -- I love the month of May. The warm days and cool mornings, the sight of blooms appearing on plants, and even the pollen that floats through the air. They are all a sign to me of Spring and the promise of growth. The world is alive and I feel it with every fiber of my being. May was a lot of fun over here at Mequoda Publishing Network. We partnered with some amazing companies to being you products and information that will put a definite "Spring" in your step!

Garden Your Way (https://reply.mequoda.com/t?r=2032&c=416103...) showcased great products to help prepare for the incoming Cicedas. 2024 will see a Double Emergence in most of the Eastern US and they have covers to help protect your fruit trees. Check out all of their great products today!

Power PlanterĀ® introduced us to tools that will make our Spring planting so much easier AND offered bundles that included bulbs! They are a third-generation family-owned auger manufacturer that started three decades ago in rural Illinois and is still located there today. Power Planter has evolved over the past 20 years from the invention and patent of our original Power Planter auger to offer a variety of different sizes, models, and even auger accessories today.

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Spring Meadows Nursery shared with us their shrubs of the year. Spring Meadow launched the Landscape Plant of the Year program in 2016 to highlight a Proven Winners ColorChoice variety of particular interest to the landscape market. It proved so popular that we were asked by the Proven Winners Retail Advisory Board to expand it to garden centers and consumers. Check out the best of 2024 today! (https://reply.mequoda.com/t?r=2032&c=4161039&l=384682&ctl=4FFC642:54FD01E4D2F59DED5866D9BD745AED8F3DE7767C2FAA32D8&)

National Garden Bureau (https://reply.mequoda.com/t?r=2032&c=4161039&l=384682&ctl=4FFC641:54FD01E4D2F59DED5866D9BD745AED8F3DE7767C2FAA32D8&) had two free Ebooks for us on Hostas and Buddleia. Did you know that hosta flowers are edible and hosta leaves are popular in Japanese cuisine? Or that Buddleia bloom on new wood from late spring until frost? Learn all of this and more when you read these free Ebooks today!

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JRM Chemicals introduced us to SoilMoist (https://reply.mequoda.com/t?r=2032&c=416103...) which is safe, non-toxic, and used in both horticultural and agricultural applications. SoilMoist are water-storing granules that absorb water, then release the water to the soil when needed and can reduce irrigation frequency by 50% and last 3-5 years in the soil.

I love looking around my yard and seeing so many things starting to bloom. I am also loving all of the products and tips that I am getting from our great partners. Anytime I can find information or tools that make my life easier, I am all in! I hope everything is growing in nicely for you and that you are enjoying Spring as much as I am!

Christy Page

Source: Mequoda Publishing Network
Filed Under: Publishing

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