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Sequentum successfully completes SOC 2 Type I audit

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Sequentum advances its commitment to providing the highest-quality, most trusted and transparent custom web data sets to its clients.

NEW YORK - eTradeWire -- Sequentum (http://sequentum.com/), a leading provider of custom web data sets via their managed data services or licensing of their enterprise platform, announced the completion of their System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type I audit. This is an independent audit and report on the examination of controls relevant to the trust services criteria categories covering security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

Sarah McKenna, CEO of Sequentum first shared the news internally in a thank you note to the team for their contributions. She then conveyed the importance of this achievement to the company and its customers. "Sequentum is committed to providing the highest quality custom web data and we understand our clients' needs regarding every aspect covered in this audit from data security to privacy.  And, how providing full observability, governability and auditability in our platform and services create that trust and transparency in our data. We are excited to announce that we have successfully completed a System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 Type I audit, performed by Sensiba LLP (Sensiba)."

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Sequentum was founded 15 years ago and developed the ultimate end-to-end, enterprise data extraction platform and managed services for the most discernible, risk averse clients in Finance and Government Agencies. The company approached every aspect of sourcing, extraction, transformation and delivery, ethically and with integrity. These values plus tools for full data observability and governance, all auditable, were built into Sequentum's platform and processes. Current clients include data driven decision makers across all commercial industries, as high-quality data, reliably delivered with trust and transparency is important to all companies in today's environment.

Developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the SOC 2 information security audit provides a report on the examination of controls relevant to the trust services criteria categories covering security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. A SOC 2 Type I report describes a service organization's systems and whether the design of specified controls meets the relevant trust services categories at a point in time. Sequentum's SOC 2 Type I report did not have any noted exceptions and was therefore issued a "clean" audit opinion from Sensiba."

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Sequentum is committed to performing information security audits and continuing daily to serve its clients ethically and with integrity.

Media Contact
Elizabeth Abrams

Source: Sequentum
Filed Under: Banking

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