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Retirement Guide to Reducing Medical Costs

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NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. - eTradeWire -- In 2018, Fidelity's retiree healthcare costs estimate suggested that a 65-year old couple retiring would need $280,000 to pay for medical expenses throughout retirement. An individual would need $157,500.

These anticipated expenses include insurance premiums and copays as well as other out-of-pocket expenses related to health care. How much medical expenses you have will depend on how healthy you are and what type of Medicare or health insurance coverage you have.

Staying fit will reduce medical costs. Exercise is necessary to stay healthy no matter your age, but it becomes increasingly so as you become a senior. To maintain mobility, exercise is crucial. It doesn't have to be a big expense either. Long daily walks at a brisk pace cost nothing but time, and you'll have lots of it in retirement. Impact activities like walking are important to maintain healthy bones, and your metabolism will thank you too.

Running is great too but hard on the joints, so it may be time to switch over to power walking, depending on your fitness level and how your knees and ankles feel.

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There are many types of exercise that will reduce medical expenses, and you can make it a point to walk instead of driving, when possible. Use the stairs instead of elevators. Join a recreational sports team in your community. Even bowling is better than sitting in front of a television set. If you want to retain your mobility, you've got to use your body!

The following are great types of exercise for seniors:
  • Walking and Hiking
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Weight Training
  • Swimming
  • Water Aerobics
  • Tai Chi
  • Cycling
  • Zumba

While Medicare does not cover gym memberships, there are ways to earn senior discounts, like through AARP. Also, Medicare Advantage has SilverSneakers® and Silver & Fit Programs, which offer free gym memberships (https://smartfinancial.com/gym-memberships-health-insurance), a kit to start a home gym and access to senior fitness programs in your area.

For more visit https://smartfinancial.com/retirement-health-care-cost-savings

Fran Majidi

Source: SmartFinancial
Filed Under: Medical

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