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Real Civil Revolution at SCOTUS

eTradeWire News/10772619
Terminate Obstruction of Justice by Big Tech Defendant Racket; READ

LOS ANGELES - eTradeWire -- Russell Rope vs. Apple, Facebook (Meta), Alphabet (Google), Twitter (X), JPM Chase Bank, etc. currently being reconsidered by The Supreme Court of The United States.  The Petitioner, Russell Rope, is alleging, with clear and convincing evidence, that the Defendant racket conspired to sabotage his life and intellectual property, then and simultaneously to have been obstructing justice in more than the three levels of federal courts.  The pending petition is about ending the obstruction by bringing Petitioner to Washington, D.C. for a hearing in person, and the original complaint is based on conspiracy to violate the RICO Act along with countless civil and criminal violations.  Relief sought for more than a decade of unfair competition in business, as well as deterring punitive damages, totals more than a hundred billion dollars. Read the current Petition for Rehearing of Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus and the First Amended Complaint (FAC) located on the Petitioner's website @ https://russellrope.com/real-legaltrillog-revolution

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Media Contact
Russell Rope
+1 310-663-7655

Source: RRP OG LLC
Filed Under: Legal

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