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Power From Fusion Confirmed - Could Impact Global Warming

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Two Ways It Could Help Reverse Global Warming, Including Cosmic Nudging

WASHINGTON - eTradeWire -- In a major paper published in the respected scientific publication, hundreds of scientists have conformed an earlier-reported experiment which proved that nuclear fusion can be used to generate energy.

Such a development might open the door to ways in which the virtually unlimited supply of clean energy, which fusion promises to provide, could be used to slow or perhaps even reverse global warming without the difficult and very expensive task of slashing greenhouse gases, says professor John Banzhaf of George Washington University.

Fusion power generation could help reduce global warming in at least two major ways, says Banzhaf, an MIT-trained engineer with two U.S. patents.

Thus, as a second way of using this new and rapidly emerging technology, fusion might be able to provide the enormous and almost incomprehensible energy to make it possible to increase earth's orbit by the tiny amount necessary to completely overcome global warming; an approach now being discussed and analyzed which could involve cosmic nudging.

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See, for example, Using Cosmic Nudging [Changing the Orbits of Asteroids] to Fight Global Warming (http://banzhaf.net/CosmicNudging.html)

More details about how such a cosmic nudge might be accomplished can be found at Can A Change In Orbit Save Planet Earth? (https://interestingengineering.com/science/can-a-change-in-orbit-save-planet-earth)

Another approach to achieving a slightly larger Earth orbit was recently proposed in Can We Use a Giant Thruster to Change Earth's Orbit? (https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/giant-t...)

Moreover, a recent analysis including detailed calculations by an astrophysicist, as outlined in a newly published paper, have also lent more credence to Banzhaf's original cosmic nudge idea.

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Banzhaf: Fusion Power Achieved – Now, Can It Nudge Earth Into a New Orbit? (https://vermontdailychronicle.com/banzhaf-fusio...)

Entitled Cornell University - Gravity-Assist as a Solution to Save Earth from Global Warming (https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02879),

http://banzhaf.net/   jbanzhaf3ATgmail.com   @profbanzhaf

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Source: Professor John Banzhaf
Filed Under: Environment

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