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Now Austin - Two More Preventable Near Airplane Collisions

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Especially With Some Fatal, Isn't It Time to Stop the Coverup and Use AI

WASHINGTON - eTradeWire -- Two additional midair airplane collisions were very narrowly averted over Austin, Texas, when an American Airlines Boeing 737 had to suddenly change course to avoid - by only about 400 feet - hitting a smaller Cessna, but that emergency diversion caused it to almost crash into another small aircraft flying nearby..

This is only the latest in a growing string of near collisions at or near airports, many of which are kept secret, claims a George Washington University professor who says there is a simple and inexpensive possible remedy which should at the very least be evaluated if not actually tested, before there are mass fatalities.

These near misses are only the latest almost deadly crash between two planes at or near an airport, and there have been many more potentially life-threatening near crashes at major U.S. airports recently, many of which are kept secret.

As the New York Times reported, most close calls - some so close they have been termed "skin to skin"  - have not been disclosed to the public. See:

More on eTradeWire News
Most Airplane Deadly Near Misses Kept Secret; While Inexpensive Remedy Isn't Even Being Studied (https://www.valuewalk.com/most-airplane-deadly-near-misses-kept-secret/)

So it may be time to turn to or at least test a very powerful new technology - AI - to reduce the risk, says professor John Banzhaf, an MIT graduate with two U.S. patents who studies safety, and who's proposals for safer school bus design were adopted by the U.S. government.

There have been at least 19 serious very-close-call near-miss collisions at our nation's airport runways last year through October, the highest number since 2016, and at least one accident recently when two airplanes actually collided at Hobby Airport.  Safety officials are naturally very worried.  As the Wall Street Journal reported:
Near Misses and Runway-Traffic Jams: The Risks Your Flight Faces at the Airport (https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/near-misses-and-runway-traffic-jams-the-risks-your-flight-faces-at-the-airport-7b8826d8?reflink=integratedwebview_share)

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Officials seek solutions after an uptick in serious close calls in 2023 (https://www.wsj.com/business/airlines/near-miss...)

His idea in a nutshell is to use already existing AI software to monitor airport radio transmissions, and to have the computer system then warn controllers of possible runway incursions; eventually also possibly providing the AI computer program with input from other existing technologies including ground-based radar, digital cameras and complex target-analytics software already in use and tested in airports such as Miami's.

In summary, the professor asks whether a simple test of using AI to warn about possible runway incursions isn't warranted if not long overdue, especially now that so many life-threatening near crashes have occurred already just this year and seem to be increasing.

http://banzhaf.net/   jbanzhaf3ATgmail.com   @profbanzhaf

GW Law

Source: Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf
Filed Under: Transportation

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