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New FREE Workshop! Not a Confident Speaker? You will be!

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Learn in a safe enviroment to become the best leader and speaker so you can get the job you deserve!

TORONTO - eTradeWire -- Date: February 13, 2024  Time: 6:00 P.M. Location: 31 Atlantic Avenue Toronto ON M6K 3E7 How tfind us: https://bit.ly/31AtlanticAve Register to attend: https://bit.ly/notaconfidentspeaker

Enhancing presentation skills is a key motivation for many joining Toastmasters Clubs. However, beyond sharpening their ability to communicate effectively, Toronto Liberty Village Speakers members has a new workshop that can reap a multitude of additional benefits. Six notable advantages include:

1. Confidence in Job Interviews
2. Facilitate Meetings Efficiently
3. Pitch an Idea, Successfully!
4. Provide Specific Feedback
5. Fill Resume Gaps
6. Build a Network

Toastmasters offers invaluable opportunities for personal growth and leadership development through its various meeting roles. Whether you're seeking to hone specific skills such as public relations, finance, or administration, Toastmasters provides the perfect platform to gain hands-on experience. If you're eager to take your communication and leadership skills to the next level, Toastmasters International is the ideal destination for you. The meeting is free! Feel free to register! https://bit.ly/notaconfidentspeaker

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About Toronto Liberty Village Speakers. We empower individuals to become effective communicators and leaders. We have been supporting the Liberty Village community since May 2010. In Toastmasters International, District 60, the organization's membership exceeds 2,180 members and more than 115 clubs.

Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders. For information about Toronto Liberty Village Speakers, please visit https://torontolibertyvillagespeakers.toastmastersclubs.org/.

Join us at the Toronto Liberty Village Speakers for an exciting in-person event! Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned speaker, this is the perfect opportunity to improve your communication skills in a supportive and friendly environment. Get ready to enhance your public speaking, gain confidence, and connect with like-minded individuals. Don't miss this fantastic chance to shine during the holiday season. Be there!  Register now! https://bit.ly/notaconfidentspeaker

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About Toronto Liberty Village Speakers. We empower individuals to become effective communicators and leaders. We have been supporting the Liberty Village community since May 2010. In Toastmasters International, District 60, the organization's membership exceeds 2,180 members and more than 115 clubs.

Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.https://bit.ly/notaconfidentspeaker

Elton Brown

Source: Toronto Liberty Village Speakers
Filed Under: Education

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