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A Message from Jesus: Unlock the Blessings of Abraham and Live Well!

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See How You Can Inherit Faith, Prosperity, and a Legacy of Righteousness

RALEIGH, N.C. - eTradeWire -- "My child, remember Abraham, a man of great faith who walked with my Father. Because of his faith, he was blessed beyond measure. Now, I come to you with the same promise.

"You, who choose to believe in me, become an heir to the promises of Abraham. Through faith in me, you inherit all the blessings my Father gave to Abraham.

"I will make you great and bless you. Your name and influence will expand. You will become a beacon of encouragement for those who feel lost, overlooked, and left out.

"Even those who oppose you will be blessed by my Father, for through my Father's grace, they too will become prosperous because they are known by you. Consider Lot: though living among wicked people, my Father prospered him. Those who follow and believe in me have access to the same financial blessings and wealth as Abraham.

"Your family line will flourish, with generations to come inheriting not just land and homes, but a legacy of faith and righteousness.

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"I am your shield, your protector, and your great reward. In me you lead, not follow, and become one who guides others towards a future of hope.

"Your life will overflow with blessings – both material and spiritual. You will prosper, not just in wealth, but in the richness of my Holy Spirit. Believe in me and my words, and through faith, you inherit Abraham's blessings and financial security. These promises are for now and for ages to come. Now go, and let your light shine, that others may praise my Father in heaven.

"I am Jesus, your great reward and redeemer."

In Galatians 3:5-14 Paul explains how through faith in Jesus, we share in the blessings of Abraham. Taste and see that God is good!

Join Christ's Church at Moore Square and become a blessing to others. Receive Abraham's blessings and share God's abundance, wealth, and financial security with others.

Christ's Church at Moore Square

Source: Christ's Church at Moore Square
Filed Under: Financial

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