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MandePAC Endorses City Of Mandeville Candidates

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MandePAC endorses candidates attending their Candidate Forum

MANDEVILLE, La. - eTradeWire -- In pursuit of its goals, MandePAC hosted a Candidate Forum on February 20th for members and the general public. Over 50 were in attendance. Invited were the candidates for the Mayoral and Council offices for this election cycle. MandePAC managers held a discussion and vote for the candidates they wished to endorse on February 22nd.

MandePAC, is pleased to announce its endorsements for the following candidates who attended the Forum: Clay Madden (Mayor), Jason Zuckerman (Council at Large), Ernest Burguières (Council at Large), and Kevin Vogeltanz (District II Council). Jill McGuire (District III Council) was re-elected without opposition, her participation in the Forum was appreciated. These candidates all meet the criteria and tenets for which MandePAC was formed, and we are confident that these candidates, once elected, will provide sound government for the betterment of the City of Mandeville.

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Mayor Clay Madden, during the Forum, remarked that the endorsement he wanted the most was that of MandePAC as he feels MandePAC best represents the citizens of Mandeville.

MandePAC, is a non-partisan citizen formed political action committee, focused on elections and issues affecting the City of Mandeville.

For more information about MandePAC, visit our website https://mandepac.com and our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MandePAC

Manager President MandePAC, LLC

Source: MandePAC, LLC
Filed Under: Government

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