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LIFE WORKS IN THREES!™ books on sale

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Discover new formulas for success with just about anything in life.

HOUSTON - eTradeWire -- Don Barnes, founder/author of LIFE WORKS IN THREES!™ has published 24 books dealing with topics such as Happiness, Career, Purpose, Abundance, and so on.  In his books, Don shares how many things in life work in threes.  His message is that if you or someone you know is struggling with an area or two in life, chances are you are "out of balance" with how life works in threes.

He begins by giving examples such as Humans are Mental, Physical and Spiritual.  Or Time is Past, Present and Future and Atoms are Protons, Electrons and Neutrons.  He lists nearly 200 more examples of things that are triune in nature.  The significance of all of this is that in order to have success/harmony with a given thing such as Health, one must include these three parts - Mood, Intake and Output.  When mixed together continuously...positive results are imminent.

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Don has spent 40+ years researching and gathering all of this data to now present it in e-book, paperback and audiobook form.  His books are available through many bookstores including Barnes&Noble.  Check them out today!


Don Barnes

Source: Tryune Works!
Filed Under: Books

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