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Knobull Insures That You Overcome Job Search Misinformation

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PROVIDENCE, R.I. - eTradeWire -- Lynn Bentley, President of Knobull reported, "Users of social media likely believe they're doing a public service by re-sharing hacks and tips, they're actually helping to perpetuate myths"

1. The Hidden Job Market

The term "hidden jobs" were concepts fused and popularized by Richard Bolles in his 1980 book, "What Color Is Your Parachute?"

Much advice being circulated on social media discusses this notion that 80% of jobs are not advertised, and that you need to invest time networking to get access to these "hidden jobs."

"At both the Fortune 500 companies where I led talent acquisition, non-advertised jobs were always <1% of our total activity, and typically would only happen for c-suite roles, or when we were actively trying to replace someone that was currently in-seat."

2. There Are Bots Inside the ATS

There is no question that we have entered a new era. However, despite widespread claims to the contrary, we have yet to see large-scale deployment of AI inside applicant tracking systems.

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The only currently permissible automatic rejection of candidates is via the binary questions some ATS systems feature, for basic role qualifications.

3. You Should Customize Your Resume For Every Role

In large enterprises, job descriptions are typically owned and managed by the compensation team, because they are closely tied to pay bands and leveling and are at best updated annually, but typically even less frequently.

Customizing your resume to a job description that may or may not closely match what the hiring manager needs is, in some cases, wasted effort. You can request the JobStars Resume Customization Guide at Knobull's contact page!

4. Jobs Are Getting Thousands Of Applications

In the United States, the average drop-off from external media (i.e. LinkedIn, Indeed) to completed applications is 84%. The vast majority of folks that hit apply do not end up completing their application.

Bentley concluded, "While it can be tempting to turn to social media for answers, it's always a good idea to verify the professional background of folks making bold assertions about what's happening in the hiring process."

Source: Knobull
Filed Under: Internet

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