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Hunter Biden Pleads Guilty Because of Law Professor

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Who Is Still Concerned That President's Son May Escape Justice

WASHINGTON - eTradeWire -- Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to three felonies and six misdemeanors today, but only because his earlier "sweetheart" plea deal, under which he would serve no time behind bars, was scuttled, thanks in large part to the efforts of a law professor who helped persuade the judge to whom it was presented not to approve the unprecedented and possibly illegal deal.
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But, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, it is possible if not likely that Hunter will still escape justice and not only remain free, but also avoid even having a rap sheet.

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President Joe Biden did promise that he would not pardon his son Hunter, but he did so when he was the Democratic Party's nominee to succeed himself as president, and he reasonably feared that, without such a promise, he would lose millions of votes and go down to defeat in the Electoral College.

Now, since is no longer a candidate, and whatever he may do regarding his son is unlikely to have much if any effect on voter support for the Harris-Walz ticket, he is reasonably free to do what virtually any parent would probably move heaven and earth to do to keep a child from spending time behind bars in a federal prison, suggests Banzhaf.

Indeed, if Joe wanted to protect his own reputation, and avoid virtually all criticism for going back on his earlier promise, he would only have to claim that he had received information that criminals who hate him had promised to severely injure of even kill his son once he is behind bars; a threat which is all too plausible even at "Club Fed" prisons where many federal white collar non-violent convicts are able to serve their time, says Banzhaf.

The activist law professor notes that the various actions he took to prevent Hunter's original plea deal from being approved by the judge was not politically motivated, noting that he filed the formal complaint which triggered the criminal investigation and subsequent multi-count RICO indictment against former president Donald Trump in Georgia, and played a role in obtaining special prosecutors to investigate former President Richard Nixon.

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http://banzhaf.net/   jbanzhaf3ATgmail.com   @profbanzhaf

GW Law

Source: Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf
Filed Under: Legal

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