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How Much Power Is Enough When Selecting an AC Supply

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VISTA, Calif. - eTradeWire -- Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment rental and sales company has published a new blog post that covers how to find the right AC Power Supply with enough output power for each component, device, and system during testing. While precisely controlled AC electricity may not be needed when testing DUTs powered by DC power, an AC supply can help simulate real-world operating conditions.

For certain DUTs, such as electric motors, a well-controlled AC power supply can mimic the conditions in which the DUT will operate, including power supply line fluctuations, peaks, and surges. AC power supplies can be compared by electrical capabilities, such as maximum root-mean-square (RMS) voltage, maximum RMS current, maximum frequency, and maximum power in volts-amperes (VA) at a given frequency. They can also be considered by physical attributes, such as the size and weight needed to fit an application.

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This is a glimpse of several AC power supplies having sufficient output power for feeding a wide range of DUTs, including electric motors. Learn more about how these supplies combine generous power capabilities by reading the full blog post on Axiom's website: https://www.axiomtest.com/blog/How-Much-Power-Is-Enough-When-Selecting-an-AC-Supply/

Whatever your project requires testing of, rent or buy quality test equipment from Axiom Test Equipment. For over 15 years Axiom Test Equipment has rented, sold, repaired and accepted trade-in of test equipment to support your test & measurement needs. If you would like help selecting any type of test equipment for your next project, contact Axiom Test Equipment's sales department at sales@axiomtest.com, call 760-806-6600, or browse Axiom Test Equipment's inventory online at www.axiomtest.com.

Axiom Test Equipment

Source: Axiom Test Equipment
Filed Under: Engineering

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