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Happy Songs About Unhappy Things to Screen at Dances With Films As An Official Pilots Selection

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Creator and Director Nikki Lynette slated to attend the Los Angeles screening.

LOS ANGELES - eTradeWire -- Nikki Lynette is a social impact artist and suicide survivor who fuses mental health activism into her musical theater performances, film projects and visual art. On June 29, 2024, the Los Angeles film enthusiasts who attend Dances With Films at TCL Chinese 6 Theaters will get to witness this art first hand at her screening of the documusical entitled  Happy Songs About Unhappy Things!

A National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Board Member for the Chicago chapter, "Lynette the Threat," lives up to the name. Nikki was the first Black female playwright to have a musical produced by American Music Theatre Project (AMTP) and the first American playwright to be invited to Cove Park's Musical Theatre Writing residency in Scotland. Her talent as a multi-faceted artist  has allowed her to propel community involvement and engagement through art.

"When I first started speaking publicly about my mental health issues in 2016, there wasn't a whole bunch of people talking about it. Nowadays there are a lot of people talking about it, but I don't really think much has changed. Like yeah, I can talk online about being a suicide survivor and living with a mental illness, but people like me ain't really seeing no change in the world. We have to be the change for ourselves." - Nikki Lynette

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This year's theme for Dances With Films is "And The Beat Goes On," suitable for all the talent at this year's film fest! The Dances With Films event takes place June 20 to June 30th in Hollywood. Happy Songs About Unhappy Things will screen June 29, 2024 at 5:45pm.

WRITER: Nikki Lynette
DIRECTORS: Nikki Lynette, Roger Ellis
PRODUCERS: Jamie Foxx, Datari Turner, Qadree Holmes, Jeff Snyder, Brannon Bowers, Ted Reilly, Kelly Waller, Mark Glassgow, Ira Antelis, Daryl Jones, Roger Ellis, Matt Hennessy, Chris Karabas, Nikki Lynette
CAST: Nikki Lynette, Dr. Willie Mae Jackson, Dr. Schnaude Dorizan, Jacinda Ratcliffe, Quimaya Sewell, Justus Brown, Rakitta Boylan, Darling Shear, Kelsey Stone,Brenda Pennington, Terrance Morris Jr

For more information on the film, visit www.happysongsaboutunhappythings.com and  follow us on Instagram (http://www.instagram.com/happysongsaboutunhappythings) and TikTok.


Source: Business Athlete
Filed Under: Film, Mental Health

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