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Free Self Defense Lessons Weekend, April 6th, School of Oom Yung Doe in Kirkland, WA

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Oom Yung Doe Kirkland is offering three different Self Defense Lessons one focused for Women, one focused for Teens, and an general lesson applying Ai Ki Do Self Defense.

KIRKLAND, Wash. - eTradeWire -- Oom Yung Doe Kirkland
11506  124th Ave NE
Kirkland, WA

Oom Yung Doe Kirkland is offering a free Self-Defense weekend on April 6th, 2024.

Women's Self Defense 10:30am - 12:00pm for Women and Girls 12+

A specialized Women's Self Defense lesson is offered to Women and Girls ages 12 and up accompanied by an adult.  This in-person seminar, led by female instructors, introduces the basics of self-defense, including simple to learn techniques that can be quickly applied to defend against a variety of attacks from the front.  Women will have the chance to practice the techniques against pads or heavy bags to develop confidence with attacking as well as learning how to use their voice to resist attack and draw attention.

Teens Self Defense 12:30pm - 1:30pm for ages 8 to 13
This in-person seminar introduces youth to techniques to identify and be aware of potential situations such as a kidnapping attempt and teaches methods to escape grabs from attackers.  The lesson will include techniques from Kong Su (Taekwondo & Karate) as well as Hap Ki Do.

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Ai Ki Do Self Defense 2:00pm - 3:00pm for ages 15+
This in-person lesson is open to all individuals ages 15 and up and covers introductory Ai Ki Do self defense techniques which include how to effectively release from someone grabbing different parts of the body.  The lesson will start with easy to learn techniques applicable for everyone and as students absorb those techniques more advanced techniques are passed based on each student's ability to absorb and understand the movements.


Oom Yung Doe schools located in Kirkland, Northgate and San Diego are managed as part of the Oom Yung Doe USA 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Donations made are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Federal Tax ID under the name Oom Yung Doe Kirkland is 82-2858274.  https://www.oomyungdoe-nw.com/donate.html

Oom Yung Doe Kirkland

Source: Oom Yung Doe Kirkland
Filed Under: Fitness

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