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FL Native Plant Society PBC will Host Annual NATIVE GARDEN TOUR

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WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - eTradeWire -- (West Palm Beach, FL – October 26, 2023) The Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society, today reiterated that it would be hosting its Annual Native Plant Garden Tour, November 5.

From 9 am to 3 pm on Sunday, November 5, participants can visit five unique private gardens and one public garden, all landscaped with Florida native plants: two in North Palm Beach, three in Jupiter, and one in Palm Beach Gardens. There will be docents at each property to answer questions, informational plant lists and labels on most of the plants will be available, with native plant literature at the welcome tables.

The cost for the day is $10 for non-members and free for FNPS members and children under 13. Tickets are now available online at https://checkout.square.site/merchant/ML0X58QJM..., or they can be purchased with cash or check at any of the gardens on the day of the tour.  For more information, please call 561.285.7213 or visit http://www.palmbeach.fnpschapters.org.

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The six gardens on this year's Native Plant Garden Tour include:

The Kesharvarz Garden

66 Saint James Drive

Palm Beach Gardens 33418

According to Lucy Keshavarz, the key to making her garden work in her golf course community was having the right plant in the right place. She credits the Florida Native Plant Society, and our PBC Chapter's annual native garden tour, for providing the vision and knowledge needed to make it happen. "After many fun meetings, hikes and talks with native experts I now have a garden that is an oasis of sustainability and beauty."

The Walter Garden

436 Gulf Road

North Palm Beach 33408

Karla & Steve Walter purchased their home in North Palm Beach in 1999 with the goal of transforming the landscape to create a native backyard. She met that goal and has shared her expertise and enthusiasm with her neighborhood as well. "We've enjoyed sharing our little space with nature and having a life full of butterflies and bees," she says.

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The Shoemake Garden

517 Kingfish Rd

North Palm Beach 33408

Attached Jpegs:
(Photos provided by The Palm Beach County Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society)

1.   The Kesharvarz Garden

2.   The McKee Garden

3.   The Shoemake Garden

4.   The Thayer Garden

5.   The Walter Garden

Available for Interview:

+ Melinda Ogden, President, PBCC FNPS

561.285,7213 / palmbeachfnps@gmail.com

+ Fatima NeJame, Treasurer, PBCC FNPS

561.302.3450 /  fatima@fotofusion.org

+ Susan Lerner, Director at Large, PBCC FNPS

646.258.0081 / vitallongevity@gmail.com

Media Contact:

Gary Schweikhart

PR-BS, Inc.

561.756.4298 / gary@pr-bs.net

Source: PR by Schweikhart
Filed Under: Agriculture

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