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First time, 80 year old author, wins prestigious award

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Cynthia Hammer's book, Living with Inattentive ADHD, received the First Horizon Award that is given to for superior work by debut authors by the Eric Hoffer annual book awards.

TACOMA, Wash. - eTradeWire -- The book, Living with Inattentive ADHD, won The First Horizon Award in the Health category of the Eric Hoffer Book Awards.  The book was written by Cynthia Hammer, MSW, past Executive Director and a current board member of the Inattentive ADHD Coalition.

The Eric Hoffer Book Award was founded at the start of the 21st to honor freethinking writers and independent books of exceptional merit and has become one of the premiere international independent book awards.

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Nominated books are judged by independent panels within eighteen all-inclusive categories. The First Horizon Award is given for superior work by debut authors.  Cynthia, who is 80 years old, is thrilled to have her book recognized by this prestigious organization.


The Inattentive ADHD Coalition was founded in March 2021 by Cynthia Hammer. She started the organization after becoming aware that the inattentive type of ADHD, which she has, continues to be under-diagnosed and incorrectly diagnosed.  http://www.iadhd.org

Source: Inattentive ADHD Coalition
Filed Under: Health

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