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EcoCareers.org prepares for boom in green jobs after EPA new rules

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The CEO of a recruitment service for green jobs expects the new EPA rules to result in more jobs, not less.

AUSTIN, Texas - eTradeWire -- Some stakeholders in the oil and gas industry have expressed their concern that new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules in the years ahead could negatively impact jobs as businesses scramble to comply with stricter regulations about clean energy. But the CEO of a recruitment service for green jobs expects it to have just the opposite effect.

"By now, we've had a chance to mull over the guidelines and what they mean for the industry, and experts are saying the same thing: it's going to result in more jobs, not less," said Joseph Boll, EcoCareers CEO.

EcoCareers.org is an online jobs board and resource website for all jobs in sustainability, whether traditional green jobs like solar panel technicians or environmental scientists to jobs in industries that are newer to sustainability, like fashion and manufacturing. EcoCareers.org seeks to connect employers, hiring managers and HR personnel in the green sector with jobseekers and the top talent in their respective industries.

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With the shift to cleaner forms of energy that will come with the new EPA regulations, it's expected that not only will existing jobs remain but new jobs will have to be brought onstream for businesses to keep up. Current positions will have to adjust, and fast, for businesses to shift their operating models to comply with the new guidelines. But new reports are also estimating that thousands of new jobs in renewable energy are needed to accompany the new ways of doing business.

"These new guidelines came right as clean energy and the sustainability sectors were already seeing enormous growth over the past few years, and already expected to grow nearly five-fold by 2030," says Boll. "There was already something of a deficit in ample workers to fill vacancies, and this is likely going to continue from here on out. Jobs in oil and gas, electric vehicles, renewables and even on the corporate side of things, like environmental lawyers, are likely going to increase dramatically in the months ahead. EcoCareers is looking forward to the development and stands ready to help connect jobseekers and employers as this trajectory in the green economy continues to develop."

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About EcoCareers
EcoCareers is designed to help hiring managers and businesses connect with jobseeking professionals for sustainable job roles. We are affiliated with Remote Worker (UK), Remote Worker (US), ClickJobs.io and Caribbean Employment Services Inc. For more information, visit https://www.ecocareers.org or contact hello@ecocareers.org.

Source: EcoCareers
Filed Under: Energy

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