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Dr. David Traverzo Releases New Book on Liberating Conversion Following Jesus' Mission

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A Theology of Liberating Conversion: The Mission of Jesus and the Church Today

NEW YORK - eTradeWire -- This book provides insightful guidelines for dynamic Christian mission and discipleship in the 21st century. Be part of a transformative journey. Gain creative insights into the powerful connections between the Gospel, mission, and liberating conversion.

Esteemed theologian  Dr.  David  Traverzo is a native New Yorker, and has revealed his latest masterpiece, "A Theology  of Liberating Conversion: The Mission of Jesus And The Church Today." This book explores a transformative theological journey. It provides readers with a compelling proposal for a Liberating Conversion in the context of Jesus' mission today.

The book  presents a proposal for a theology of liberating conversion (The mission of Jesus and the local Church). In this book, Dr.   Traverzo explores  the rich  aspects of conversion and discipleship within the Christian faith and mission. His prime objective is to align one's life conversion and discipleship  with the liberating conversion  and mission of Jesus.

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Dr.  David  Traverzo, a retired third-generation pastor and professor, has dedicated his life to theological exploration and teaching. A product of the NYC public school system, he has shared his  work  across the USA and abroad. With a PhD from Drew University in Social Ethics,  Dr.   Traverzo  has taught at various colleges and theological seminaries  for decades.

This book stands out with its interdisciplinary approach.  It offers  both scholarly and practical applications to discern theologies of conversion.  Dr. Traverzo's  work goes beyond the theoretical, providing a practical roadmap for revitalizing church missions and memberships.  "A Theology  o f Liberating Conversion" offers a biblical and practical way to revitalize your church mission. This book serves as a beacon, guiding readers to discover the heart of their understanding of conversion and discipleship, just as Jesus called his disciples to a life transformation within and without.   Dr.  David  Traverzo  is an accomplished editor and author mentored by prominent scholars and writers in the Latin American and Caribbean communities. His contributions to book chapters  and  journals  to  solidify his position as a respected figure in theological discourse.   "A Theology  of Liberating Conversion: The Mission of Jesus  And  The Church Today" is now available online and in major bookstores. Embark on a transformative journey of faith and mission with  Dr.  David  Traverzo's  insightful guide to Liberating Conversion.

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This book can be purchased from Amazon:  A Theology of Liberating Conversion: The Mission of Jesus and the Church Today https://a.co/d/0io2j2L

For interviews, reviews, or additional information, please contact  David  Traverzo  at  mckin163@gmail.com or (786) 861-7724.

Source: Dr. David Traverzo
Filed Under: Religion

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