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Ditch the Drama: Is "Church" Leaving You Exhausted? Jesus Offers the Rest You Crave

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Are "religious" rules and rituals leaving you burnt out or indifferent to church? Yearning for a real relationship with the God who created the heavens and earth, who loves you beyond measure? Try the better covenant found in Jesus.

RALEIGH, N.C. - eTradeWire -- In Hebrews 8:6 we find that Jesus is the better covenant. He is the grace of God found in the Abraham covenant, the fulfillment of all the Law in the Moses covenant, and the promised redeemer to come in the Adam covenant.

The Shortcomings of the Moses Covenant:
  • Imperfect Sacrifices: Animal sacrifices in the old covenant were temporary solutions for sin. The blood of animals couldn't fully cleanse us and required repetitive sacrifices (Hebrews 9:9).
  • External Focus: The emphasis was on outward rituals and following a complex system of laws. This created a burden, brought guilt, and didn't guarantee a lasting change of heart. (If this sounds like "church" read on!)
  • Limited Access: Only the priests could enter the most holy place, symbolizing a distance between God and the people.

The Superiority of the New Covenant through Jesus:
  • Perfect Sacrifice: Jesus, as the ultimate high priest, offered himself as a perfect sacrifice once and for all (Hebrews 9:24-28). His blood cleanses us permanently. Your next sin is already forgiven. But wait, there's better news. The Spirit of Jesus works to keep you from sinning.
  • Internal Transformation: The new covenant emphasizes a change within the believer. God's law is written on our hearts, leading to a genuine desire to follow Him (Hebrews 8:10). Now when we sin, Jesus' Spirit heals and changes us so that sin does not rule over us.
  • Direct Relationship: Through Jesus' sacrifice, the veil separating God and humanity is torn down. We have direct access to God through prayer and faith (Hebrews 4:14-16). In fact Jesus says, ask the Father anything in his name and He, Jesus, will do it.

Additional Points:
  • Fulfillment of Prophecy: The new, better covenant is the fulfillment of prophecies in the Old Testament about a coming Messiah and a new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) that is offered to all: Jew, Gentile, pick the label, this offer is for ALL!
  • Accessibility of Grace: The new covenant offers forgiveness and salvation by grace through faith in Jesus, rather than through strict adherence to the Law (Ephesians 2:8-9). Yep, we're going to mess up, but Jesus has already forgiven us and if you have His Spirit is at working changing you into His image.
Grab the better covenant! Grab Jesus! https://mooresquarechurch.org

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Source: Christ's Church at Moore Square
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