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Data Logger vs DAQ Understanding the Data Collection Distinction

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CLEVELAND - eTradeWire -- Key Differences Between Data Logging and Data Acquisition

What is the difference between a Data Logger and a Data Acquisition System (DAQ)? A data logger is a type of data acquisition system, but a data acquisition system is not necessarily a data logger. There are several key functional differences in how the market understands these two classes of instruments. While the differences between these two types of instruments have been reduced as technology has advanced, there are still features that separate them.

Sample Rate or Analog to Digital Conversion Rate

The instrumentation market distinguishes data loggers as slow sample rate devices, while data acquisition systems have much higher sample rates. Advancements in technology have made sub-second sampling more accessible in data loggers, while DAQ systems offer various sample rate options and simultaneous sampling capabilities.

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Stand-alone or Connect to a Computer

A data logger can operate independently with its large internal memory, storing data for months or years. In contrast, a DAQ system, especially high-speed, requires a connection to a computer or network for real-time data streaming.

I/O Count

Most DAQ systems will have the ability to record from dozens to hundreds of analog and digital inputs. Large-scale DAQ systems are found in laboratories or test cells with rack-based I/O which can reach I/O counts upwards of 1,500 channels. A simple data logger can have a single input channel while a larger device may have 10 to 50 inputs. Data loggers typically have a fixed configuration of the number and type of inputs – analog, digital, serial – while DAQ systems are often modular allowing the user to expand or change the number and type of inputs as needs change.

Power Source

A data logger operates independently, often in remote areas without wall power. Advanced models use rechargeable batteries and provide switched excitation for sensors to extend data logging periods. In contrast, DAQ systems typically require continuous wall power.

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While there remain many similarities between dataloggers and data acquisition systems, the key operating features presented above are the generally understood differences. These differences usually define the application space where the devices are used. The needs of your application will usually dictate which type of solution is the best fit.

For further information on data loggers and data acquisition systems, or to find the ideal solution for your application-specific needs, contact a CAS Data Logger Application Specialist at (800) 956-4437 or visit us at https://www.dataloggerinc.com.

CAS DataLoggers
Elizabethe Zala

Source: CAS DataLoggers
Filed Under: Industrial

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