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Black History Month Event Celebrates the long Relationship Between Black and Jewish Communities

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WASHINGTON - eTradeWire -- Bass Public Affairs (BPA) and The King for America Foundation hosted the first in a series of events focused on celebrating the long shared history of collaboration between the African-American and Jewish American communities. Under the banner of the Yahweh Project BPA hopes to remind Black and Jewish communities of the historic achievements that resulted from their unified efforts.

The Black History Month luncheon, held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, on February 21 featured a discussion led by Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Thomas, senior pastor at Forestville New Redeemer Church in Forestville, Maryland. Dr. Thomas cautioned against Black Americans being misled by antisemitic misinformation from the past and present. "We have a number of groups pouring into our black churches to educate pastors in a way that is anti-Israel," said Dr. Thomas. "We don't need indoctrination, we need education."

The Yahweh Project serves as a resource not only for pastors but also for educators, students, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of Black and Jewish collaboration. In light of the increasing prevalence of antisemitism in the United States and globally, dialogue centered on democracy and intentional efforts to foster unity in college campuses, media and culture are imperative.

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"After the horrific attacks of October 7th, we were deeply troubled by the antisemitic rhetoric emanating from some corners of the black community," said Dee Dee Bass Wilbon, a partner at Bass Public Affairs. "Our mission is simple. We want to remind America that after Reconstruction, during the turn of the 20th Century, and amid some of the darkest days of the Civil Rights Movement, Jewish Americans marched, bled and died for the cause of justice on behalf of African Americans."

"We are grateful to advance the goals of the Yahweh Project with initial support from the Ken and Frayda Levy Foundation and additional support from Cliff and Laurel Asness," said Dr. Alveda King, founder of King for America.

Upcoming events include roundtable discussions at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, ecumenical forums with faith leaders, and a media campaign featuring ads in Black press outlets. For more information, visit BassPublicAffairs.com/theyahwehproject.

Source: Bass Public Affairs
Filed Under: Culture

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