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321 Insight Introduces an Updated, Consistent, District-Wide PD Solution for Addressing Today's Unique Behavior Challenges

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321 Insight
The Behavior Playbook Series Offers K-12 Staff a New Game Plan for Managing Student Behavior Challenges

PORTLAND, Ore. - eTradeWire -- Today 321 Insight, the leader in on-demand, live, and hybrid PD for K-12 staff, released the Behavior Playbook Series – a comprehensive, effective, and easy-to-implement on-demand PD solution that equips K-12 staff with the right (and consistent) mindset, approach, and skills to tackle challenging behavior exhibited by today's students.

The Behavior Playbook Series consists of six learning modules or "plays," which include quick 3 to 13-minute videos, quizzes, interactive discussion questions, reflections, and more. The plays are designed to provide targeted learning and classroom-tested strategies to help all staff address challenging behavior with a consistent, trauma informed mindset and skill set, and cover the following topics: The Behavior Playbook Series is flexibly designed to be used in staff meetings, PD sessions, PLCs, on the job, or even independently. Behavior Playbook Series content can be organized and presented in one of two ways - based on the skills that staff should focus on most urgently, or based on the challenges staff most often face. This needs-based approach ensures that the learning is relevant, timely, and aligned with district goals.

"Today's student behavior challenges are unprecedented, with significant increases in the frequency and severity of violent incidents beginning in very young grades. We recognized the need for a new, holistic, more effective approach to tackling challenging student behavior across the entire school or district,"  says Alia Jackson, President & CEO of 321 Insight. "That's exactly why we created the Behavior Playbook Series."

For more information about the Behavior Playbook Series, visit https://www.321insight.com/behaviorplaybook/.

About 321 Insight
321 Insight partners with schools and districts to address today's student behavior challenges with bite-sized, on-demand, in-person, and hybrid professional development solutions for K-12 educators.

Source: 321 Insight
Filed Under: Education, Technology

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